Genuine Faith

June 30, 2024 | Part 6

In this message, we learn that genuine faith is belief in action. Even demons shudder in fear before the one and only God. If you believe in God, then act like you do.

“For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” James 2:26 (ESV)


SCRIPTURE: James 2:14-26; Ephesians 2:8-10; Galatians 5:6; Mark 1:21-28; Romans 3:28; Luke 6:44 (ESV)


  1. Believe and Work
  2. Believe and Shudder
  3. Believe and Act

Respond in Prayer

  • Ask God to give you faith to work and act.
  • Ask God for opportunities to care for others.
  • Ask God to guide you to the good works he has prepared for you to do in Christ Jesus.

⬇️ More from this series

Authentic Faith - James

Join us at Ascend, for our Summer 2024 series, “Authentic Faith.”

Living in this fallen world, we as children of God strive to live like Jesus did and follow in his example. But how can we be sure that we're living with a true faith?

Throughout this summer series in the book of James, we will explore the different principles for living. Practical, insightful, advice for everyday life.


Part 1 - May 26, 2024

Part 2 - June 02, 2024

Part 3 - June 09, 2024

Part 4 - June 16, 2024

Part 5 - June 23, 2024

Part 6 - June 30, 2024

Part 7 - July 7, 2024

Part 8 - July 14, 2024

Part 9 - July 21, 2024

Part 10 - July 21, 2024

Part 11 - August 4, 2024

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