Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders is a circle of givers who invest above and beyond the regular tithe to help expand the mission of God through global missions, local partnerships, next-generation investments, and ministry expansion.

2024 Goal: $100,000

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next gen


Monthly Supported Partners

Global Partners

Our goal is to fund these projects for the glory of God, the growth of the kingdom, and the good of the world.

Convoy of Hope


One Day to Feed the world is an inititave where every Kingdom Builder has the opportunity to give one day of your annual wage to help feed a child in poverty.  Your one day will feed them everyday.

Breaking Chains Network


BCN is on the streets in the Red Light District of Brussels, bringing hope and freedom to women and children who are trapped in human trafficking and prostitution. Ascend has partnered with them for more than a decade and we recently gave $100,000 to help them purchase a building as a community center/coffee shop.

Family Circus Children’s Ministry


Family Circus is a church in Davao City, Philippines that ministers to street kids and their families.  They provide weekly church services, meals, dental care, shoes, medical attention, and christian education for 5000-10000 kids a week.

Speed the Light (Youth KB)


STL is a ministry that gives tools to missionaries to fuel their ministries. STL provides vehicles (cars, SUV, motorcycles, boats, ATVs), sound equipment, video equipment, and other “gear” that are not part of the regular budgets for missionaries. Funded by Ascend Youth.

(Kid’s KB)


Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge is a ministry that provides resources, literature, equipment, and supplies for children’s ministry.  BGMC is fully funded by Ascend Kids. Things like puppets, projectors, object lesson materials, curriculum, coloring pages, etc…

Light for the Lost (Men’s KB)


LFTL is a ministry that provides Fire Bibles and other printed materials for the evangelization of the world. LFTL has translated the Bible and prints it in dozens of unique languages (common and tribal).  Funded by Ascend Men.

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

– Matthew 25:40 (ESV)

Local Partners

Boise Rescue Mission Ministries


Help Boise Rescue Mission serve the homeless, those in drug recovery, and struggling veterans with housing, meals, job assistance, and rehab.

Eagle Community Food Bank

Donate Items

Help feed seniors, families, and individuals in our own community through the Eagle Community Food Bank.


Boise Girls Academy


Help at-risk teen girls recover from life-controlling issues and become devoted followers of Jesus at Boise Girls Academy Teen Challenge Boarding School.

Eagle Schools Family Resource Center

Donate Items throughout the school year.

Help children and families in Eagle with hygiene and home care products.


Pregnancy Clinics


Help women with unplanned pregnancies find support and resources to choose and maintain life.

We support and refer to Treasure Valley Path and Lifeline Pregnancy Center.

ISU Chi Alpha


Help college students encounter Christ and the Christian community at Idaho State University Chi Alpha. The vision is to purchase a Chi Alpha ministry center near campus to provide a meeting place and housing for student leaders.

Launch Pad @ Eagle High

Donate meeting space

Help Eagle High School Students discover and develop a relationship with Jesus through Launch Pad Christian Education classes at Ascend.

Twin Falls Women's Center


Help put hope within reach for women who are struggling with life-controlling addictions and trauma.  This 10 person residential rehab center in Twin Falls houses, educates, and gives Godly guidance to restore what has been lost.

Next Generation Investments

2 Be A Kid Camp

2 Be A Kid Camp


Youth Camp Scholarships

Youth Camp Scholarships


Future Leaders Internship & School of Ministry

Future Leaders Internship & School of Ministry


Ministry Expansion

Freedom Church


We are planning to plant a Church in South Meridian (or wherever God opens the door). Freedom Church has a vision to see people set free in Christ Jesus, together. The launch team is forming and interest meetings will begin in the fall of 2024.

Discipleship Wing

$10,000 – 2025

Ascend needs to expand. On Sunday mornings we are out of Children’s Ministry space and general parking. During the middle of the week, we are also out of classroom space for groups to meet.  Therefore, we are continuing our work to develop our property by starting the next phase, a discipleship wing.

In 2025, Lord willing, we would like to expand our parking with a drive way on Floating Feather and then in 2026 add a wing of classroom for Ascend Kids and other meeting room spaces.

Master Plan Phase 2

2026 Expansion – $500,000-1,000,000

On Mother’s Day 2006, we had our first service in the newly built building at the corner of Park Lane and Floating Feather (current building). The church struggled in the years following because of the 2008 economic collapse that destroyed the housing market globally, but very specifically in west Eagle.


Our mission to help people experience Jesus will continue to expand until our property is fully developed.  After the next phase above, there will be time and work to complete our master plan for 3838 W Floating Feather Rd, Eagle, ID 83616.

Meet Our Missionaries

Monthly Partners

Each month, we support 17 missionaries and partners locally and around the world with 10% of tithes/offerings.

2024 Theme
2024 Theme

Sent. All Peoples Everywhere

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (Jn 20:21)

Darrell & Sandy Blatchley
Darrell & Sandy Blatchley


April & Jerry Foster
April & Jerry Foster


Paul & Sandy Kazim
Paul & Sandy Kazim

Mexico City

University & Church Planting

Gill & Chanel Williams
Gill & Chanel Williams


Refugee & Youth Ministry

Barrett & Eugenia Gibson
Barrett & Eugenia Gibson


Josiah & Kayla Bridgewater
Josiah & Kayla Bridgewater


Justin & Brooke Fasnacht
Justin & Brooke Fasnacht


Ben & Carly Loper
Ben & Carly Loper


Brent & Yliana Keizer

Brent & Yliana Keizer

Russia Chi Alpha

Ryan & Angela McCullough
Ryan & Angela McCullough


Richard & Trisha Kite
Richard & Trisha Kite


Mike McPeak

Mike McPeak

ISU Chi Alpha

Others Details Coming

  • Nathan & JaNae Molan, Polynesia
  • Alicia & Margot Rae, Scotland
  • Nicholas Royer, Network 211
  • Craig & Andrea Wheeler, Chi Alpha Portugal

Sensitive Countries

Tom & Connie
Tom & Connie

Southern Asia


Middle East


Arab World

Jon & Sarah
Jon & Sarah


Aaron & Sarah
Aaron & Sarah

Middle East


Southern Asia