Get Involved

Join a Serve Team to Help People Experience Jesus

This is Your Chance to Serve

Ascend makes it a high priority to find a place for each person to serve.  Part of your spiritual growth is ministering to other people. Every one of us is called to build up the body of Christ.

There is a place for you to use your God-given gifts in ministry.



  • Media Team: Sound System, Lighting
  • Hospitality: Greeteers, Beverages, Meals
  • Parking Team
  • Worship Team: Guitars, Drums
  • Ascend Kids: Teachers, Helpers
  • Ascend Youth: Hosts, Media, Activities
  • Adults: Discipleship Leaders, Activities

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues.

1 Corinthians 12:27-28 (ESV)

Learn More

Depending on what you would like to do there are different requirements. Print the appropriate forms and bring them to church, we do not do this online for security reasons.

  1. All volunteers are asked to complete a volunteer application.
  2. Volunteers under 18 yr. must have parents complete an Under 18 Parent Consent form
  3. Volunteers who are working with minors (kids, youth, etc…) or discipling others must complete a Background Check
  4. Volunteers who will be discipling others and teaching them Biblical truths must complete a “Discipleship Leaders Agreement” and training with a Pastor.  After completing the volunteer application and background check you will meet with a pastor and go over the discipleship materials.