Ascend Church Rising

Ministry Expansion


Greater Glory!

“‘The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ declares the Lord of hosts.” – Haggai 2:9


See the PlansGive Now

Ascend Church is Rising to the Future

As the Lord provides we believe that He has called us to build a modern ministry center that will serve the community for 100 years or more.

This building and ministry expansion will facilitate the vision of creating a healing community of care in the Treasure Valley.

Rising Ministry

  • Welcoming and Family Oriented Aesthetics
  • Expanded and Secure Ascend Kids Wing
  • More Room for Breakthrough Courses (Recovery, Healing, Marriage, Parenting, Financial, etc…)
  • Expanded Community Space
  • Inspirational Spaces for Worship and Prayer

When is Take Off?

The project is already underway, but we haven’t broken ground. We hope to develop the property as we grow, loosely holding our timeline, if the Lord wills (James 4:15).

We hope to aquire building plans for phase one in 2025 and begin construction in 2026.

Pictured: Final completed project at main entrance.

Timeline – If the Lord Wills

Project Phases

Phase 1
  • Classroom Wing (3,600 sq.ft.)
  • South Parking (20 spots)
  • West Entrance Improvements
  • New East Entrance
  • New South Driveway
  • Ministry – Double Breakthrough Courses, Expand Kids Ministry, Hire Pastoral Care Staff

Approx. $2.2 Million

Phase 1 Budget

Design & Construction Plans


Building Permits & Engineering


Site Preparation




Finish & Furnish




Phase 1 Progress

January, ’25

$250,000 Raised

Finalize Scope of Work

February to August, ’25

Raise $250,000

Design & Construction Plans

September to December, ’25

Raise $500,000

Acquire Permits & Approvals

January to March, ’26

Raise $500,000

Secure Contractor & Trades

April, ’26

Ground Breaking

May to December, ’26

Raise $500,000


Give to Phase One

You can give here or mail a check with the memo “Rising Building Fund.”

Ascend Church
3838 W. Floating Feather Rd
Eagle, ID 83616.

Phase 2
  • Classroom Expansion (4,500 sq.ft.)
  • Lobby Expansion (800 sq.ft.)
  • Front Porch & Lawn
  • Picnic Shelter
  • Playground
  • Ministry – Open Counseling Center, Hire Counseling Staff, Expand Breakthrough Courses, Second Worship Service, Church Plant or Adoption

$6 Million

Phase 3
  • Auditorium Worship Center (9,000 sq.ft.)
  • Lobby Expansion (3,600 sq.ft.)
  • Flex Meeting Rooms (4,500 sq.ft.)
  • Office Building (3,600 sq.ft)
  • West Parking Lot
  • Baptism Fountain
  • Outdoor Event Balcony
  • Cross Tower
  • Ministry – Open Preschool & Hire Staff, Expand Counseling Center & Breakthrough Courses, Open School of Ministry
  • Open Cafe & Event Center to Community

$25-35 Million (future dollars)

Construction Aesthetic

Worship Center

Front Porch

& Lawn

Those who wait on the LORD will renew their strength;
they will ascend on wings like eagles;
they will run and not be weary;
they will walk and not faint.

– Isaiah 40:31

Our Story


Pastor Rusty Huwa, then from Buhl, Idaho was led to the small farming town of Eagle, Idaho to plant a church as part of the Assemblies of God Decade of Harvest. As Eagle Family Worship Center, our church began meeting in October at Eagle Hills Elementary School.

Our church family quickly began to grow as deep relationships flourished, a heart for missions developed, and a passion for helping people in the Treasure Valley characterized everything.

The presence of the Holy Spirit in our worship services and gatherings became a highlight for all who joined.


The old Methodist building on N. Eagle Road became available and the congregation bought it as our first permanent building. The growth continued and we doubled the size of the building. However, the neighborhood couldn’t contain all the cars filling the downtown streets every Sunday and Wednesday.

During this time the congregation developed strategic discipleship ministries, compassionate outreaches, and generosity for evangelism locally and around the world. Investing in the next-generation became a focus across all our ministries.


On Mother’s Day 2006, we had our first service in the newly built building at the corner of Park Lane and Floating Feather (current building). The church struggled in the years following because of the 2008 economic collapse that destroyed the housing market globally, but very specifically in west Eagle.


After a pastoral transition and the fallout from the housing crash we became Eagle LifeChurch. We adopted this name to simplify our image in the community and to bolster our vision to be a life-changing place in our community.


In January 2012, Pastor Brad Murphy came to lead the church out of decline and into a new season of health and growth. Building on the values of community, compassion, and cross-generational ministry we added women's, children, youth, men's, young adult's, and hospitality ministries.


In 2018, Pastor Brad led the church to adopt a vision statement, “Helping People Experience Jesus in a Life-Changing Way.” This vision has become the compelling voice of the Holy Spirit to guide us into the future.

Through this vision we have become a healing community of care that restores broken and hurting families to health and hope. As we develop this vision, our heart is to equip empowered worshipers to serve the needs of hurting people through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.


In 2024, the church members voted unanimously to adopt the name Ascend Church as a reflection of God's work lifting people up and setting them on a firm foundation of truth.

Today, Ascend Church is experiencing growth through new conversions, water baptisms, Holy Spirit baptisms, and generous Kingdom Builders locally and around the world.


As we look to the future, we have many plans to accomplish the vision of helping people experience Jesus in a life-changing way.

Some of our immediate goals are to begin a trauma and addiction recovery ministry called Reboot, build a discipleship and children's ministry wing, organize an overseas missions trip, double our Kingdom Builder's impact, and adpot or plant a Parent Affiliated Church (PAC) in the next three years.

Our long term plans include developing a school (preschool, day school, ministry training school), fully developing our five-acre site for massive discipleship and recovery activities, creating a non-profit incubator for starting new Kingdom non-profits, planting/adopting churches (a healthy church in every middle school attendance zone), and give away $1 million in one year.

Come be part of the story God is writing through this local church with a global heart that's helping people experience Jesus in life-changing ways.