Make Room for Miracles
This message teaches us to discern God’s will and make room for the supernatural in the crowded ordinary life.
This message teaches us to discern God’s will and make room for the supernatural in the crowded ordinary life.
In today’s message, we are prepared for battle because Citizen living does not ‘just happen’ and forces of evil will attack us.
In this message, we learn the radical practice of deferring to others in our marriage, home, and work.
In this message, we are instructed to give our faith legs and walk in love, walk in light, and walk in wisdom.
In this message, Paul encourages us to take off the old values and put on the new self, created after the likeness of God.
As we turn the page from attitudes to actions, today Paul urges us to walk worthy, maintain unity, and build each other up in love.
In this message, Paul prays for us to be filled with the power, love, and fullness of the Spirit of the father of all fatherhood.
Paul reveals the role of suffering in our lives and personal growth. The mystery of Gospel is confirmed in suffering that results in good for others.
Paul reminds us how far we were away from God when Christ Jesus brought us near and built us into a house for the Spirit of God.
Learn to walk in the life and calling God has prepared for you. You are raised up and seated with Christ in heaven.